The aims of this conference are to develop discussions on STEM Education Research and to introduce new ways to teach and train graduate students in STEM fields. We will introduce the recently established JKU Linz School of Education, its planned work, and its training structure and invite you to work with us in a vibrant international community on STEM Education in Linz. The presentation at the conference will enable us to learn about the work of colleagues locally and internationally to be able to develop collaborations in STEM related projects. Furthermore, our interests goes beyond STEM involving the Arts world and we aim to extend our research on STEAM education and work on proposals involving such Arts initiatives.
Thursday - 12 January
JKU Linz, Room S2 054 in Science Park 2
12:30 – 13:00 – Registration and Coffee
13:00 – 13:30 – JKU Linz School of Education Introduction and STEM Research Plans
13:30 – 15:00 – Introductions, Presentations, discussing STEM Education Research
15:00 – 15:30 – Coffee break
15:30 – 17:00 – Plenary talk (Morten Misfeldt, Aalborg University, Denmark)
17:30 -19:00 Room S2 044 Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2015 - Analysen und Empfehlungen (in German)
- Schulautonomie oder die Verteilung von Entscheidungsrechten und Verantwortung im Schulsystem (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herbert Altrichter)
- Bildungsfinanzierung als Gonvernance-Problem in Österreich (Dr. Lorenz Lassnigg, IHS)
Friday – 13 January
JKU Linz, Room HT 177F (Hörsaaltrakt)
09:00 - 10:30 – Presentations and discussion
10:30 - 11:00 – Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00 – Talks and discussions on STEM Education Research
12:00 – 13:00 – Lunch
13:00 – 14:00 – Planning projects for the future
14:00 – 14:30 – Coffee break
14:30 – 15:30 – Summaries and discussions
Directions: JKU Linz, Altenbergerstr 69, 4040 Linz
JKU Campus Map to find Science Park 2 (Thu) and Hörsaaltrakt (Fri)
Budget Accommodation is available at the Sommerhaus Hotel:
But, we are happy to assist you with accommodation requests: Melanie Traxler <>
Titles and Abstracts
Morten Misfeldt, Aalborg University
Mathematical Competencies and Programming Activities: Formal and Informal Approaches
In this talk I will explore the relation between programming activities and the development of mathematical competencies. In the first part of the talk I will develop a model with three interdependent mathematical learning potentials in programming activities. This model is built primarily on a reading of the literature. The mathematical learning potentials has to do with programming as (1) help reframe the students as producers of knowledge and artifacts, (2) support abstraction and encapsulation, and (3) promote thinking in algorithms. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss two Danish examples of programming activities. An "in school" activity related to an ambition of modernizing the Danish STEM curriculum, and an "out of school activity" focusing on artful experiences and enrichment of children's agency. The activities are discussed in relation to the three learning potentials as well as in relation to how they address various groups of students and children¹s motivation and educational needs.
Wolfgang Aschauer, PH OÖ
Electric and magnetic fields - design and evaluation of a research-based teaching sequence
Judith Hohenwarter, JKU
Mathematics Teachers' Adventures of ICT Integration - About the Development of an Online Course for inservice mathematics teachers
In this presentation I would like to introduce an ongoing Erasmus+ project “Math Teachers’ Adventure of ICT Integration (MTAII)” and its outputs. The main aim of the project is to provide professional development for mathematics teachers willing to integrate Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into their lessons. To achieve this, three intellectual outputs are being designed: 1) an Open Online Course to help teachers gain insights about ICT integration into mathematics classrooms; 2) Open Educational Resources to help overcome the scarcity of high quality, ready-to-use resources; 3) an Open Teacher Community that combines the expertise of teachers and researchers and provides long-term support for participating teachers.
Ornella Robutti, University of Turin
Task Design of Activities with GeoGebra
Barbara Kimeswenger, JKU
Identifying High-Quality GeoGebra Materials for Teaching Mathematics
Edith Lindenbauer, JKU
Using dynamic worksheets to support functional thinking in lower secondary education
Christoph Weber und Johann Rothböck, PH OÖ
Themenorientierter Mathematikunterricht in Sekundarstufe I
Das Projekt „Themenorientierte Mathematik“ geht im Rahmen eines quasi-experimentellen Designs (Prä- und Posttest) der Frage nach, ob sich durch eine Aufgabensammlung, die sich an den Handlungsbereichen des Kompetenzmodells orientiert und diese Handlungsbereiche an lebensnahen Themen „trainiert“, eine positive Wirkung auf die Leistungen, das Selbstkonzept und die Motivation von Schüler/innen der 5. Schulstufe feststellen lässt. Rund 40 Lehrkräfte werden im Rahmen von Fortbildungsveranstaltungen mit den entwickelten Aufgaben vertraut gemacht und sollen diese Aufgaben im Schuljahr 2016/17 verwenden. Durch begleitende Fortbildungsveranstaltungen soll die Qualität des „Aufgabeneinsatzes“ optimiert werden, wobei aber auch auf etwaige Probleme bei der Anwendung eingegangen werden kann. An den teilnehmenden Schulen wurden Parallelklassen der Experimentalklassen als Kontrollklassen (ca. 40) rekrutiert.
Erich Steinbauer, JKU
Activities in Didactics of Physics at the JKU
Zoltan Kovacs, PPH Linz
Automated Reasoning Tools in GeoGebra
Computing numerical checks of certain relations between objects in a planar construction is a well known feature of dynamic geometry systems. GeoGebra's newest improvements now offer symbolic checks of equality, parallelism, perpendicularity, collinearity, concurrency or concyclicity. Also dragging of locus curves, defined explicitly or implicitly, is a new feature to visually check a conjecture in Euclidean plane geometry. These novel possibilities can be introduced also in classrooms to support dynamic geometry experiments and help formulating theorems.
Peter Kortesi, University of Miskolc
European Computer Algebra Driving License
European Computer Algebra Driving License. The rapid changes in computer and information technology, the increase of computer power available and the complexity of mathematical software (Maple, Mathematica, Reduce, GAP, GeoGebra etc.) now accessible to the students cannot be ignored; at the very least it demands a radical re-think on the way in which topics in the curriculum could be presented and does have an impact on the teaching of Mathematics in most of European universities. We aim in creating an ECADL license to be internationally recognized and introduced.
Lucia Del Chicca and Sandra Reichenberger, JKU
Conception of the course “Introduction to mathematics and its environment” for the new Mathematics Curriculum for teacher training in Linz
During the winter semester 2016/17 a new curriculum for mathematic teachers has been launched at the university of Linz in cooperation with 2 Pädagogische Hoschschulen. As part of this new curriculum Sandra and I developed and held the course “Introduction to mathematics and its environment”. In this presentation we briefly present the course, the content, first student feedback and the results of the first session of exams and give an outlook of the future work.
Michael Thaler and Christoph Kremer, Ars Electronica Centre
Education in the nexus of art, technologie and society
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