
List of STEAM Education Conferences co-organised by LSEd in 2019

Page history last edited by Bjarnheidur Kristinsdottir 5 years, 9 months ago

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to call your attention to several STEAM Education-themed conferences during the upcoming year. There is a growing number of researchers who are getting interested integrating Arts, Design, Creativity, new technologies into the teaching of mathematics and STEM subjects and we thought to offer forums for these colleagues.

Budapest STEAM Education Conference 2019 - 15-16 January 2019, Budapest Hungary


Linz Gamification and Creativity in STEAM Education Conference: 17-18 Jan 2019


Florida GeoGebra Conference, 15-16 February, 2019, Boca Raton, Florida, USA


STEAM Education in South America Conference, 18-19 February, 2019, Montevideo, Uruguay [website TBA]


STEAM Education Conference, 27-28 February 2019, La Plata, Argentina [website TBA]


STEAM Education Teacher Training, 11 March 2019, Sao Paulo, Brazil  [website TBA]


GeoGebra and STEAM, National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath), 30-31 March, 2019, New York City, NY, USA [website TBA]


Innovations in STEAM Education and Design Research Conference: 9-10 May 2019, Linz, Austria


International LUMAT Symposium: Research and Practice in Math, Science and Technology Education (LUMAT), University of Jyväskylä, Finland 5-6 June 2019


Beijing STEAM Education Conference, 28-30 June 2019, Beijing, China [website TBA]


BRIDGES LINZ  16-20 July 2019, Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture, Linz, Austria


GeoGebra Global Gathering 23-24 July 2019, Linz, Austria [website TBA]


Symmetry Festival – 2019: The World’s Largest Multidisciplinary Conference & Art Festival in Symmetry Studies. Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany. 24-28 July 2019


15th International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project. 'Theory and Practice: An Interface or A Great Divide?' Maynooth University, Ireland. 4–9 August 2019.


The California STEAM Symposium will take place 9-10 December 2019 in Anaheim California at the Convention Center which is directly across from Disneyland. No website is available for this yet, return here for details when they are available.


The Florida GeoGebra Conference 2020 will take place January 24-25 2020 [place and website TBA]


There will be further meetings connected to STEAM beyond these events.  Also, a Doctoral Programme on STEAM Education and a STEAM Education Centre is under development at the Linz School of Education, Johannes Kepler University in Austria, where we would gladly host students and colleagues interested in working on STEAM Education issues. For additional information please contact Zsolt Lavicza <lavicza@gmail.com>

Hope you will join us at some of these events.

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